Diversion Courts
Diversion courts in Nassau County serve not only as an alternative to incarceration but also serve a therapeutic court where an individual can receive treatment for mental health, addiction and other life-altering problems. The various programs requires regular court appearances for updates in the particular diversion part, meeting with treatment staff and case managers, and treatment as directed by the program. Diversion programs are voluntary. The participant must meet certain criteria to be accepted.
The Legal Aid Society will advocate for a client’s eligibility and participation in a diversion part with our client’s consent. Our attorneys, with the support of our Social Work staff, will work the client and assist in the coordination of services and treatment.
Veteran’s Court:
The operation The Nassau County Veterans Court is guided by Article 216 of New York State’s Criminal Procedure Law. The Court functions primarily as a treatment court. It allows eligible Veterans of the United States Military to partake in mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. Successful completion of the program may lead to a more favorable resolution of the case.
To be eligible for the Nassau County Veterans Court a defendant must have served in or is currently serving in any branch of the United States Military. The veteran must also be charged with B, C, D or E non-violent felonies. Veterans charged with Sexual Related Offenses, Violent Crimes and those convicted of Violent Crimes within the past 10 years are not eligible.
Entrants are also afforded the help of the Nassau County Office of Veteran Affairs and are assigned mentors through the VA who assist, motivate and guide participants through their respective treatment programs. Prospective participants are encouraged to contact the Nassau County Office of Veterans Affairs at (516) 572-656 [(516) 572-6565) or by email at www.nassaucountyny.gov. The Veterans Affairs office can also provide assistance for veterans benefits and issues of homelessness.
Mental Health Court:
The Nassau County Mental Health Court is a dedicated court part that seeks to craft a meaningful response to the problems posed by defendants with mental illness in the criminal justice system. Judicial monitoring is provided to assure that the court mandated treatment plan is followed by the client, and mental health case management is used to link clients to treatment programs and related services as an alternative to incarceration.
Drug Treatment Court:
Participants must be at least 21 years of age, facing a sentence of 90 days in jail, or have two prior criminal convictions. Alcohol or substance abuse must have contributed to the pending charge. Charges must be misdemeanors and violations with no pending felony charges. The participant must acknowledge having a problem with chemical dependency and be willing to engage in treatment for one year.
Human Trafficking Intervention Court (HTIC):
The Nassau County Human Trafficking Intervention Court (HTIC) was created with the goal of shifting the perception of individuals arrested for prostitution from a criminal-based perspective to a victim-centered approach, including the incorporation of trauma-informed individual and group counseling, case management and court advocacy in lieu of jail time. Through this initiative there has been a significant shift in the way prostitution is viewed by the justice system and community, supporting individuals who are being abused.